SickPicBro Drone Shots

At Sick Pic Bro drone photography, we employ a wide variety of shots to capture stunning aerial imagery. One of the most commonly used shots is the bird’s-eye view, which provides a comprehensive overview of the scene from above. We also frequently use the high angle shot, which allows us to capture the subject from a higher vantage point and highlight its surroundings. Other popular shots include the low angle shot, which can create a dramatic effect and provide a unique perspective, and the tracking shot, which involves following the subject as it moves through the frame. Our team is constantly exploring new and innovative ways to capture breathtaking images from the sky, and we are always eager to try out new techniques to ensure that each shot is unique and visually stunning.

Aerial Establishing Shot

This shot provides an overview of the location, establishing the location and setting the scene.

Bird's Eye View

A shot taken straight down from the drone, providing a unique perspective of the subject.


A shot taken from above, following the subject as it moves.

Tilt Shot

A shot that begins high and tilts down to reveal the subject.

Dolly Shot

A shot that moves forward, backward, or side-to-side following the subject.

Reveal Shot

A shot that starts with an object or location partially obscured and then reveals it in its entirety.

Orbit Shot

A shot that circles around the subject, providing a 360-degree view.

Drone Pan

A shot where the drone moves side to side while capturing the scene.


A time-lapse shot taken from a drone, showing the movement of the subject and the passage of time.